Friday, September 10, 2010

Oui! Oui!

C'est un doux bonbon! 

For some reason I'm craving Macaroons! My friend, Kathy had delicious macaroons grace the dessert table instead of a wedding cake at her wedding this past April! My oh my were they delicious! Her (now) husband had given me and a friend the task of building the perfect French Macaroon tower, but changed his mind and wanted the table over-flowing with the fantastic baked confection. I think he realized having me near those macaroons before the reception was a bad idea (hehe)...Right now I could seriously eat a box on my own.


Macaroons pair perfectly with coffee!

 Macaroons work at any event! Whether it be a wedding, a bridal shower, or even baby shower...think fun colors and having a sweet grand fête!!!


Fun Fact: The name of the cookie comes from an Italian word meaning paste, maccarone. While origins are uncertain, some culinary historians claim that macaroons can be traced to an Italian monastery. The monks came to France in 1533, joined by the pastry chefs of Catherine de Medici, wife of King Henri II. Later, two Benedictine nuns, Sister Marguerite and Sister Marie-Elisabeth, came to Nancy seeking asylum during the French Revolution. The two women paid for their housing by baking and selling macaroon cookies, and thus became known as the "Macaroon Sisters. (Thanks Wikipedia!)

1 comment:

  1. There's a macaroon shop in the little tokyo shopping center in downtown LA... except they call it macaron... but it still looked like they were selling macaroon.... rose by any other name, right??


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